Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] La Fontaine, Jean S. »Concepts of evil, witchcraft and the sexual abuse of children in modern England.« Etnofoor 5 (1992): 6-20.

[Info] La Iosa, Rosaria. Il volto nascosto del Secondo Conflitto Mondiale: Gli stupri di massa sovietici in Germania nella storiografia. Universit Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2016.

[Info] La Rocca, Simona, ed. Stupri di guerra e violenze di genere. Rome 2015.

[Info] Laband, John. »Introduction: African Civilians in Wartime.« Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa: From Slavery Days to Rwandan Genocide. Edited by John Laband. Westport 2007: 1-16.

[Info] Laberge, Yves. »Films, foreign.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 74-76.

[Info] Laberge, Yves, et al. »Films, U.S.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 76-78.

[Info] Lackley, Michael. African American atheists and political liberation. A study of the sociocultural dynamics of faith. Gainesville 2007.

[Info] Lacombe, Delphine. »L gif rer sur les « violences de genre » tout en pr servant l ordre patriarcal: L exemple du Nicaragua (1990-2017).« Droit et soci t No. 99 (2018): 287-303.

[Info] Ladd-Taylor, Molly. » Ravished by Some Moron : The Eugenic Origins of the Minnesota Psychopathic Personality Act of 1939.« Journal of Policy History 31 (2019): 192-216.

[Info] Ladenburger, Petra, et al. Schwere Grenzverletzungen zum Nachteil von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Aloisiuskolleg Bonn - Bad Godesberg: Abschlussbericht zur Untersuchung im Auftrag der Deutschen Provinz der Jesuiten. 2011.

[Info] Ladenburger, Petra, et al. Schlussbericht der unabh ngigen Kommission zur Aufarbeitung von Missbrauchsf llen im Gebiet der ehemaligen Nordelbischen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche, heute Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Norddeutschland. Hamburg 2014.

[Info] Ladner, Gertraud. » Gott, befreie meine Kehle (Ps 6,5): (Sexualisierte) Gewalt in der Familie in theologischer Perspektive.« Sexualit t, Macht und Gewalt: Anst e f r die sexualp dagogische Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Edited by Silvia Arzt et al. Wiesbaden 2018: 113-130.

[Info] Laes, Christian. »When Classicists Need to Speak up: Antiquity and Present Day Pedophilia Pederasty.« Aeternitas Antiquitatis: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Skopje, August 28. As Part of the 2009 Annual Conference of Euroclassica. Edited by Valerij Sofronievski. Skopje 2010: 30-59.

[Info] Laes, Christian. »When Classicists Need to Speak up: Antiquity and Present Day Pedophilia Pederasty.« sterreichische Zeitschrift f r Geschichtswissenschaften 28 (2017): 49-70.

[Info] Laes, Christian. »'N pit irti lapsistani!': Roomalaiset opettajat syytettyin seksuaalisesta hyv ksik yt st Rooman valtakunnassa.« Keisarit ja kurtisaanit: Perhe, valta ja seksi antiikin Roomassa. Edited by Jussi Rantala. Helsinki 2018: 97-123.

[Info] Laferl, Christopher F. »«e a mais nobre manifestação cultural da fome é a violência»: Aufbruch, Umbruch und Flucht in Glauber Rochas Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964).« Aufbruch und Gewalt: Klassiker im Kino der Romania der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre. Edited by Natasha Bianco et al. Marburg 2024: 223-242.

[Info] LaFleur, Greta. »Whither Rape in the History of Sexuality? Thinking Sex alongside Slavery’s Normative Violence.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 33 (2024): 153-187.

[Info] Laffrado, Laura. »Constructing the subaltern. White Creole culture and raced captivity in eighteenth-century Dutch Suriname.« Studies in eighteenth-century culture 30 (2001): 31-48.

[Info] Lafon, Jean-Marc. »Les violences sexuelles en Espagne (1808-1814): ce que r v lent les t moignages.« Bulletin Hispanique 108 (2006): 555-575.

[Info] Lafont, Bertrand, et al. »Mesopotamia: Neo-Sumerian Period (Ur III).« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 183-226.

[Info] Lafont, Sophie. Femmes, Droit et Justice dans l'Antiquit orientale. Contribution l' tude du droit p nal au Proche-Orient ancien. Fribourg 1999.

[Info] LaFree, Gary. »Official reactions to social problems. Police decisions in sexual assault cases.« Social problems 28 (1981): 582-594.

[Info] Lagos, Taso G. »Poor Greek to "Scandalous" Hollywood Mogul: Alexander Pantages and the Anti-Immigrant Narratives of William Randolph Hearst's Los Angeles ExaminerJournal of Modern Greek Studies 30 (2012): 45-74.

[Info] Lagrange, Fr d ric. »Modern Arabic Literature and the Disappearance of Mujun: Same-Sex Rape as a Case Study.« The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy: Essays in honour of Professor Geert Jan van Gelder. Edited by Adam Talib et al. 2014: 230-253.

[Info] Lagrou, Pieter, et al. » crire l histoire des viols en temps de guerre.« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 7-24.

[Info] Lagrou, Pieter, et al. »Writing the History of Rape in Wartime.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Rapha lle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 1-16.

[Info] LaGuerre, Cynthia. The Clinton and Bush Administrations Response to Human Sex Trafficking of Women: The Debate between Sex Trafficking and Prostitution. Senior Thesis, Bard College, 2012.

[Info] Lai, Graceia, et al. ????? / Silent Scars: ?????????? / History of Sexual Slavery by the Japanese Military A Pictorial Book. Taipei 2005.

[Info] Laimb ck, Barbara. »Das Unsagbare darstellen: Zur Visualisierung des Traumas in der Kunst.« Spektrum der Augenheilkunde (February 8, 2018).

[Info] Laiou, Angeliki E., ed. Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies. Washington, D.C. 1993.

[Info] Laiou, Angeliki E. »Introduction.« Consent and coercion to sex and marriage in ancient and medieval societies. Edited by Angeliki E. Laiou. Washington, D.C. 1993: vii-x.

[Info] Laiou, Angeliki E. »Sex, consent, and coercion in Byzantium.« Consent and coercion to sex and marriage in ancient and medieval societies. Edited by Angeliki E. Laiou. Washington, D.C. 1993: 109-221.

[Info] Lake, Marilyn. »The Inviolable Woman: Feminist Conceptions of Citizenship in Australia, 1900-1945.« Gender & History 8 (1996): 197-211.

[Info] Lake, Marilyn. »The Inviolable Woman: Feminist Conceptions of Citizenship in Australia, 1900-1945.« Feminism, the Public and the Private. Edited by Joan B. Landes. Oxford 1998: 223-240.

[Info] Lake, Nadine. » Corrective Rape and Black Lesbian Sexualities in South Africa: Negotiating the Tensions between Blackwashing and Pinkwashing Homophobia.« The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work and Sexualities. Edited by S.J. Dodd. London 2021: 98-113.

[Info] Lakhani, Sadaf, et al. Trends in Crime and Violence in Papua New Guinea. Washington, D.C. 2014.

[Info] Lakin, Matthew. »"A dark night". The Knoxville race riot of 1919.« Journal of East Tennessee history 72 (2000): 1-29.

[Info] Lakor, Atim A., et al. »Mothering in the Aftermath of Forced Marriage and Wartime Rape: The Complexities of Motherhood in Postwar Northern Uganda.« Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 9 (2018): 158-176.

[Info] Lalbakhsh, Pedram, et al. »Sexual Politics in Ian McEwan's The Innocent.« Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (2013): 236-241.

[Info] LaMagna, Raymond, et al. »The history of children s hearsay. From Old Bailey to post-DavisIndiana law journal 82 (2007): 1029-1058.

[Info] LaMagna, Raymond, et al. The history of children s hearsay. From Old Bailey to post-Davis. Los Angeles 2007.

[Info] Lamb, Sharon. »Child abuse.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 6. Edited by James T. Sears. Westport 2008: 36-39.

[Info] Lambert, Emily, et al. »Legislation, rape/sexual assault.« Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Vol. 1. Edited by Claire M. Renzetti et al. Thousand Oaks 2008: 420-422.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. Raping Lucretia. Rape in the law, literature and art of Renaissance Europe. M.A. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2001.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. »Gang rape.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 86-87.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. »Rape.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 2. Edited by William E. Burns. Westport 2008: 197-199.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. »Rape/Coerced sex.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 4. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2008: 195-197.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. »Sex crimes.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 4. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2008: 216-218.

[Info] Lambert, Tonya M. »Wartime rape.« The Greenwood encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality through history. Vol. 4. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2008: 251-253.

[Info] Lambertz, Jan. »Sexual harassment in the nineteenth-century English cotton industry.« History workshop journal No. 19 (1985): 29-61.

[Info] Lambertz, Janet R. Male-female violence in late Victorian and Edwardian England. B.A. Dissertation, Harvard University, 1979.

[Info] Lammasniemi, Laura. »Anti-White Slavery Legislation and its Legacies in England.« Anti-Trafficking Review No. 9 (2017): 64-76.

[Info] Lamon, Philippe, et al. Tendances de la criminalit en Suisse de 1984 2000. Risques objetifs et perceptions subjectives. Rapport sur l enqu te suisse de victimisation de 2000, pr par avec le soutien des Offices f d raux de la police, de la statistique et de la justice. Lausanne 2000.

[Info] Lamott, Franziska. »(Dis)Kurs-Korrektur. Kulturhistorische Anmerkungen zur Mi brauchsdebatte.« Verbrechen, Justiz, Medien. Konstellationen in Deutschland von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Edited by Joachim Linder et al. T bingen 1999: 155-170.

[Info] Lamp, Nicolas. »Der Beitrag der Vereinten Nationen zur Entwicklung des V lkerstrafrechts zu sexueller Gewalt.« Die Vereinten Nationen und neuere Entwicklungen der Frauenrechte. Edited by Sabine von Schorlemer. Frankfurt/Main 2007: 369-426.

[Info] Lampert-Weissig, Lisa, et al. »Editors Introduction: #MeToo, Medieval Literature, and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy.« New Chaucer Studies 2 (2021): 1-9.

[Info] Lamert-Weissig, Lisa, et al., eds. »#MeToo, Medieval Literature, and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy.« New Chaucer Studies 2(1) (2021).

[Info] Lampkin, Brian. The Tarboro Three: Rape Race and Secrecy in a Small Town. Master's Thesis, East Carolina University, 2011.

[Info] Lancia, Massimo, et al. »La violenza sessuale sui minorenni: Indagine sulle denunce pervenute alle procura della repubblica presso il tribunale per i minorenni di Perugia dal 1991 al 2006.« Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 3 (2009): 296-307.

[Info] Lancien, Anne. »Dissemblances et convergences des commissions d'enquête sur les abus sexuels dans l'Église.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 93-108.

[Info] Land, Kenneth, et al. »Unemployment and crime rates in the post-World War II United States. A theoretical and empirical analysis.« American sociological review 50 (1985): 317-332.

[Info] Lander, Ingrid, et al., eds. Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. Farnham 2014.

[Info] Lander, Ingrid, et al., eds. Masculinities in the Criminological Field: Control, Vulnerability and Risk-Taking. London 2016.

[Info] Landers, Jane. »"In consideration of her enormous crime". Rape and infanticide in Spanish St. Augustine.« The Devil s lane. Sex and race in the early South. Edited by Catherine Clinton et al. Oxford 1997: 205-217.

[Info] Landgr fov , Renata, et al. »Taboos of the Golden Goddess: Sexual Taboos in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom Egypt.« My Things Changed Things: Social Development and Cultural Exchange in Prehistory, Antiquity, and the Middle Ages. Edited by Petra M. Vl?kov et al. Prague 2009: 34-46.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. »Pedófilo, quem és? A pedofilia na mídia impressa.« Cadernos de Saúde Pública 19 (2003): S273-S282.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. Horror, Honra e Direitos: Viol ncia Sexual Contra Crian as e Adolescentes no S culo XX. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade de S o Paulo, 2005.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. »Viol ncia sexual contra crian as na m dia impressa: g nero e gera o.« Cadernos Pagu No. 26 (2006): 225-252.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. »Jurists, Police, Doctors, and Psychologists: Discussing Sexual Violence in Twentieth-Century Brazil.« Norbert Elias & Empirical Research. New York 2014: 83-110.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. »Pedofilia em museus: Quando o antigo conceito de p nico moral se faz presente.« Dilemas 11 (2018): 512-532.

[Info] Landsman, Peter. »Does Removing the Force Element Matter?: An Empirical Comparison of Rape Statistics in Massachusetts and Colorado.« William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 21 (2015): 767-793.

[Info] Landwehrkamp, Laura J. Male Rape in Auschwitz: An Exploration of the Dynamics of Kapo-Piepel Sexual Violence in KL Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Master Thesis, Uppsala Universitet, 2019.

[Info] Lane, David, et al. Report of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry. Belfast 2017.

[Info] Lang, Karen, et al. »Moving Forward by Looking Back: Reflecting on a Decade of CDC's Work in Sexual Violence Prevention, 2000 2010.« Journal of Women's Health 21 (2012): 1211-1218.

[Info] Lang, Mabel L. »War and the rape-motif or why did the Cambyses invade Egypt?« Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 116 (1972): 410-414.

[Info] Lang, Miriam. »Angriffe auf die "emotionale Substanz des Latino-Mannes"? Sexuelle Bel stigung, Vergewaltigung in der Ehe und mexikanische Gesetzgebung 1988 bis 2000.« Lateinamerika Analysen No. 2 (2002): 3-28.

[Info] Lange, Mascha H. »Transmediale Verhandlungen sexueller Gewalt: Der Fall Elva and Stranger.« Interdisziplin re Beitr ge zur Geschlechterforschung: Repr sentationen, Positionen, Perspektiven. Edited by Ann-Christin Kleinert et al. Opladen 2021: 61-72.

[Info] Langenhorst, Annegret. »Sprich nicht dar ber, meine Schwester Tamar. Unterrichtsvorschl ge zu 2 Sam 13,1-22 ab Klasse 9.« Katechetische Bl tter 127 (2002): 25-29.

[Info] Langton, Lynn, et al. Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010. Washington, D.C. 2013.

[Info] Langton, Lynn, et al. Rape and Sexual Assault Victimization Among College-Age Females, 1995-2013. Washington, D.C. 2014.

[Info] Lankford, Adam, et al. Sex, Power, and Violence: What Do the Rape Incidents in Susan Brownmiller's Against Our Will Actually Show? International Criminal Justice Review (January 2, 2024).

[Info] Lansing, Carol. »Girls in trouble in late medieval Bologna.« The premodern teenager. Youth in society, 1150-1650. Edited by Konrad Eisenbichler. Toronto 2002: 293-309.

[Info] Lansing, Carol. »Conflicts over Gender in Civic Courts.« The Oxford Handbook of Women & Gender in Medieval Europe. Edited by Judith M. Bennett et al. Oxford 2013: 118-132.

[Info] Lansing, Carol. » Humiliation and the Exercise of Power in the Florentine Contado in the Mid-Fourteenth Century.« Emotions, Passions, and Power in Renaissance Italy. Edited by Fabrizio Ricciardelli et al. Amsterdam 2015: 77-90.

[Info] Lanskey, Caroline, et al. » A Poor Prospect Indeed : The State s Disavowal of Child Abuse Victims in Youth Custody, 1960 1990.« Societies 9 (2019).

[Info] Lant, Kathleen M. »The rape of constant reader. Stephen King s construction of the female reader and violation of the female body in MiseryJournal of popular culture 30 (1997): 89-114.

[Info] Lape, Susan. »Democratic ideology and the poetics of rape in Menandrian comedy.« Classical antiquity 20 (2001): 79-119.

[Info] Lapierre, Alexandra. Artemisia. Un duel pour l immortalit . Paris 1998.

[Info] Lapierre, Alexandra. Artemisia. Passie en kwelling van een schilderes. Antwerpen 1999.

[Info] Lapierre, Alexandra. Artemisia. The story of a battle for greatness. London 2000.

[Info] Lapinsuo, Iida. Sexual Violence as a Weapon of Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Yugoslav Wars: How Sexual Violence in the 1990s Yugoslav Wars and Establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Shaped International Humanitarian Law. Master Thesis, University of Helsinki, 2017.

[Info] Laponce, Jean A. In the shadow of de Sade. French medical responses to a case of serial sexual homicide during the Belle poque. Ann Arbor 2002.

[Info] LaPrade, Douglas E. »The censorship of For Whom the Bell Tolls in Spain.« North Dakota quarterly 60 (1992): 151-158.

[Info] Lara, Sandra E. "Crimes against the Order of the Family, Public Morality, and Decency": Sexual Violence and Jurisprudence in Coahuila, Mexico, 1871-1931. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, 2016.

[Info] Larcombe, Wendy. Compelling Engagements: Feminism, Rape Law and Romance Fiction. Annandale 2005.

[Info] Larcombe, Wendy, et al. »Developing the Common Law and Rewriting the History of Rape in Marriage in Australia: PGA v The QueenSydney Law Review 34 (2012): 785-807.

[Info] Largen, Mary A. »History of women s movement in changing attitudes, laws, and treatment toward rape victims.« Sexual assault. The victim and the rapist. Edited by Marcia J. Walker et al. Lexington 1976: 69-73.

[Info] Largen, Mary A. »Grassroots centers and national task forces. A history of the anti-rape movement.« Aegis No. 32 (1981): 46-52.

[Info] Largen, Mary A. »The anti-rape movement. Past and present.« Rape and sexual assault. A research handbook. Edited by Ann W. Burgess. New York 1985: 1-13.

[Info] Largueche, Dalenda. »Confined, battered, and repudiated women in Tunis since the eighteenth century.« Women, the family and divorce laws in Islamic history. Edited by Amira El Azhary Sonbol. Syracuse 1996: 259-276.

[Info] Larisch, Jakob. »Rape-and-Revenge-Filme im Kontext strafrechtlicher Verbotspraxis.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive. Edited by Christine Künzel et al. Göttingen 2024: 123-138.

[Info] Larkin, John K. »Judge Fite s contempt. Race and the rule of law in early twentieth-century Georgia.« Georgia historical quarterly 90 (2006): 62-95.

[Info] Larrobla, Carla, et al. »Memorias femeninas en el uruguay pos-dictadura.« Aletheia 5 (2014).

[Info] Larsen, Lars B. »Pal Hollender. The sheer redundancy of trauma.« Artext No. 73 (2001): 52-55.

[Info] Larsen, Sidsel, et al. Voldt gt. P vej mod en helhedsforst else. Copenhagen 1981.

[Info] Larson, Jane E. »"Even a Worm Will Turn at Last": Rape Reform in Late Nineteenth-Century America« Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 9 (1997): 1-71.

[Info] Larson-Thorisch, Alexa K. Was it rape? Sexual violence and the construction of gender in legal-medical and literary discourse (1770-1810). Dissertation, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1994.

[Info] Larssen, Helle. V ldt kt eller k rlek. Om sk darskap och det sexuella vergreppet i Pedro Almod vars film "Tala med henne". G teborg 2005.

[Info] Larsson, Malin. "Gud bevare mig fr n honom!" Manlighet, sexualitet och ansvar i G vle 1631-1639. Examensuppsats, Linn universitetet, 2014.

[Info] Larsson, Mariah. »Ingmar Bergman, Swedish sexploitation and early Swedish porn.« Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 5 (2015): 49-61.

[Info] Larsson, Mariah. »Lasse Braun, rape scenarios, and Swedish censorship: A case study of two 8-mm porn films featuring rape.« Porn Studies 4 (2017): 23-34.

[Info] Lascaratos, John, et al. »Child Sexual Abuse: Historical Cases in the Byzantine Empire (324-1453 A.D.).« Child Abuse & Neglect 24 (2000): 1085-1090.

[Info] Laufer, Peter. A question of consent. Innocence and complicity in the Glen Ridge rape case. San Francisco 1994.

[Info] Laufer, Peter. Sie hat es doch gewollt. Bergisch Gladbach 1995.

[Info] Laughton, Angela. A Case of Seduction: Sexual Violence and the Law in Southern Alberta, 1922. B.A. Thesis, Mount Royal University, 2016.

[Info] Laureau, Craig R. » Because of Sex : The Historical Development of Workplace Sexual Harassment Law in the USA.« Psychological Injury and Law (August 30, 2016).

[Info] Laurent-Lucchetti, Jeremy, et al. Sexual violence as a weapon of war. Lisbon 2021.

[Info] Lauriola, Rosanna. »The Shuttle of Their Voices: A Comment on a Class Response to an Assignment About Rape.« Cloelia 1 (2011): 26-31.

[Info] Lauriola, Rosanna. »Teaching About the Rape of Lucretia: A Student Project.« Classical World 106 (2013): 682-687.

[Info] Lauritsen, Janet L., et al. »Reporting Crime to the Police, 1973-2005: A Multivariate Analysis of Long-Term Trends in the National Crime Survey (NCS) and National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).« Criminology 48 (2010): 131-185.

[Info] Lavelle, Bernadette M.G. Sexual Offences in the 1920s: Incidence and Attitudes. Honors Thesis, University of Otago, 1986.

[Info] Lawlor, Ruth. American Soldiers and the Politics of Rape in World War II Europe. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2020.

[Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »Contested Crimes: Race, Gender, and Nation in Histories of GI Sexual Violence, World War II.« The Journal of Military History 84 (2020): 541-569.

[Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »The Wartime Battlefield of Sex.« Modern American History 4 (2021): 209-212.

[Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »The Stuttgart Incident: Sexual Violence and the Uses of History.« Diplomatic History (2022).

[Info] Lawrence, Beatrice, et al., eds. Rape Culture and Religious Studies: Critical and Pedagogical Engagements. Lanham 2019.

[Info] Lawrence, Megan. Mightier than the sword. Writing 19th-century crime. Master s Thesis, Louisiana State University in Shreveport.

[Info] Lawrenz, Nina, et al. »Der universit re Umgang mit sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme.« Open Gender Journal 5 (2021).

[Info] Laws, J. »War and rape.« History today 55 (2005): 60.

[Info] Lawson, Kate, et al. The marked body. Domestic violence in mid-nineteenth-century literature. Albany 2002.

[Info] Lawson, Konrad M. Wartime Atrocities and the Politics of Treason in the Ruins of the Japanese Empire, 1937-1953. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, 2012.

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[Info] Layfield, Allison. »Asian American Literature and Reading Formations: A Case Study of Nora Okja Keller s Comfort Woman and Fox GirlReception 7 (2015): 64-82.

[Info] Layman, Katherine E. The Representation of Rape and Sexual Assault Within News Media. B.A. Thesis, Portland State University, 2020.

[Info] Layson, Hana. »Rape and revolution. Feminism, Antijabobinism, and the politics of injured innocence in Brockden Brown s Ormond .« Early American studies 2 (2004): 160-191.

[Info] Lazard, Lisa. »Saying It like It is? Sexual Harassment, Labelling, and #MeToo.« The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology. Edited by Eileen L. Zurbriggen et al. Cham 2023: 461-475.

[Info] Lazzarin. Stefano. »Stupro, ovvero: Integrazioni ‘fuori tempo massimo’ a una voce del Dizionario dei Temi LetterariCahiers d’études italiennes No. 38 (2024).

[Info] Le Bonhomme, Fanny. »Viols en temps de guerre, psychiatrie et temporalit s enchev tr es: Exp riences de femmes viol es par les soldats de l Arm e Rouge entre la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le d but de la p riode de paix (R publique d mocratique allemande, 1958-1968).« Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains No. 257 (2015): 53-74.

[Info] Le Clercq, Geoffroy. Violences sexuelles, scandale et ordre public. Contribution l histoire des mentalit s partir des archives des tribunaux namurois (1830-1867). M moire de licence, Universit Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997.

[Info] Le Clercq, Geoffroy. »La perception des violences sexuelles en Belgique (1830-67). Construction juridique, pratique r pressive et r actions sociales.« Un pays si tranquille? La violence en Belgique au XIXe si cle. Edited by Ginette Kurgan-van Hentenrijk. Brussels 1999: 107-129.

[Info] Le Clercq, Geoffroy. »Les perceptions des violences sexuelles commises sur enfants en Belgique (1830-1867). Construction juridique, pratique r pressive et r actions sociales.« Revue d histoire de l enfance "irr guli re" No. 2 (1999).

[Info] Le Clercq, Geoffroy. »Violences sexuelles, scandale et ordre public. Le regard du l gislateur, de la justice et des autres acteurs sociaux au 19 me si cle.« Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis 28 (1999): 5-53.

[Info] Le Clercq, Geoffroy. »Sexual violence and social reactions. The survival of the practices of arrangement in nineteenth century rural society.« Guises of power. Integration of society and legitimation of power in Sweden and the Southern Low Countries ca 1500-1900. Edited by Maria gren et al. Uppsala 2001: 177-195.

[Info] Le Feuvre, Cathy. The Armstrong Girl. A child for sale: the battle against Victorian sex trade. Oxford 2015.

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